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The case against cloning there leader.

We've all had those days where we wish there were 2, 3, or 4 of us to get everything accomplished on our to-do list. Now, if you ever find a way to make a clone of yourself for things like driving the kids all over creation, or getting chores done around the house, then by all means, go for it (and let me know how you did it). But when it comes to your role as a leader, as hard as it may be to hear... one of you is more than enough!

The purpose of leadership is to support and empower the people you are leading to be the best versions of themselves, they can be, to maximize what they bring to the table, not to replicate you. To try and make them into copies of yourself is not only arrogant, it's ineffective.

Now the process of cloning isn't usually done consciously or quickly. Its often a slow grind that happens over time. Much like a relative you haven't seen in years, the change is so gradual, you wouldn't notice it day-to-day, but over time it can be striking.

Without effort to avoid it, cloning is inevitable. Those that refuse to morph into a mini-you will leave if given enough time, (and they'll never give you the real reason they quit), and the rest will fall in line, and promptly turn off the motivation and creativity centers of their brains.

I've found most cloning happens in small, seemingly benign moments. It happens every time you shoot down an idea without debate, thought, or reasoning. It happens when you embrace anyone who agrees with you, and marginalize those who don't. It happens when you give more support to those who "do it your way". But the single most efficient way to make a clone of yourself? Say something like "Its my way or the highway!".

Preventing cloning form happening takes maintenance. Most people will naturally assume you want them to do things the way you would do it unless you tell them otherwise. This requires that you not only trust them, but also to have the courage to put your fate into their hands, and the conviction to stand behind them if things go wrong. This means they have to trust YOU as well. They have to know its ok, and even encouraged to disagree with you, and that you won't hold it against them. They have to know your "all in" and will fully support their plan. In short, they have to know you want and NEED them to be themselves. Sometimes it can help to be as direct as saying "I trust your instincts and I need you to as well". Or simply put "I want you to win this... how can I help?". Anything that sends a clear message that they don't have to spend their valuable energy worrying about whether they have to do this alone, because they know stand your firmly on their side.

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